วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552
Lotus notes : Modify a rich text field in the UI without having to save and re-open
One big issue with rich text fields is that "Modifications made to rich text items on the back-end document do not appear on the current document until it is closed and reopened." This means that any code you might have in the UI accessing a rich text field (create tables, append doc links, etc.) won't immediately show up without saving and re-opening.
Until now, either you saved and re-opened the back-end doc to reflect the changes to the rich text field (which meant that you also had to incorporate some sort of clean-up code if a user chose to cancel the save) or you don't reflect the changes in the UI, which can cause some user confusion ("yes, you did make the changes but you have to save and re-open the doc to see them").
With the following code, you can modify any rich text fields and reflect those changes in the UI without being forced to save the document. In this example, I am appending a document link but I have tested the code for creating a table as well. The user may notice a slight flicker as the document is closed and re-opened.
One other application for this code is Computed Subforms. In the Designer Help, it is stated that "Subform formulas cannot be refreshed while the document is open." This method of re-initializing the document in memory allows the Computed
Creating an IBM Lotus Web Content Management site structure with one click
If you work with IBM Lotus Web Content Management, one of your recurring tasks is defining site structure. This task by its nature is time-consuming and repetitive; you are required to take more than 10 distinct steps to create a single site or site area. Moreover, site structures are not portable by design; you cannot export your site structure from one library on one server to a different library on a different server. Instead, you need to recreate the entire site structure manually.
Because the number of sites and site areas that make up a single site structure can reach the thousands, you need a method to automate the process of defining the site structure and to make it easier to move, export, and import. In this article, you can learn a simple way to define your site structure as an XML file and deploy it accordingly.
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You should be familiar with these technologies:
* IBM WebSphere® Portal V6.0 and later, its administration, and its components
* IBM Lotus Web Content Management
To demonstrate how you can create a site structure in Lotus Web Content Management without manually creating all the sites and site areas, this article uses Lotus Web Content Management APIs and an XML file that contains the site structure. You can create the XML file containing the structure by validating it against the XML schema provided in the Downloads section of this article. The XML schema validates the structure and mandatory fields to prevent runtime errors.
You can define many sites, site areas, and default contents to create the site structure in the XML document that contains the complete site structure. First, create these prerequisites:
* Lotus Web Content Management library
* Authoring templates to be used in the site structure
* Presentation templates to be used in the site structure
* Users to be used in the security settings section
* Workflows, workflow actions, and workflow stages to be used in the authoring templates
You then define the site structure in the form of an XML file, specifying the library, sites, site areas, and so on. To ensure that the provided information is sufficient to create a site in Lotus Web Content Management , the XML file is based on the schema defined in the XSD file provided in the Downloads section of this article. The XSD file contains all the validations required to create a complete site structure, with default contents containing some fields.
You then create a JSP component to parse the XML file and create the site areas defined in it.
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In this section, we describe the steps that you take to implement the solution. We start by discussing the creation of the XML file and the XSD file, and then we move on to the JSP component that parses this file.
XML creation
The XML file contains all the information needed to create the site structure. It contains the library name, the site structure, the site area structure, and the default contents. An XML file needs to be defined in a structure that corresponds to your requirements. See the XML example in listing 1, which corresponds to the site structure shown in figure 1.
Figure 1. Site structure
Site structure
The site is made up of a single site area; that single site area, in turn, is made up of another site area.
Listing 1. XML example used in the creation of the site structure
Figure 2 shows a sample mapping between the XML elements and the output created after you implement the solution.
Figure 2. Mapping between the XML and Lotus Web Content Management objects and sections
Mapping between the XML and Lotus Web Content Management objects and sections
As you can see, the mapping from the actual site structure to the XML file is straightforward with a root element representing the library. This root element then contains another element that corresponds to the site, defining its name and display name. Site areas are defined in a nesting fashion in the XML file to obtain the required site structure.
Every site and site area contains a settings section that holds the security settings and template mapping sections. The following are restrictions that need to considered: Security settings and template mapping can be created for each site or site area in its respective element or in the highest site or site area in the tree, with its child elements inheriting them.
Content security settings and workflows are added in the authoring template component, not in the default content section in the XML file.
Authoring templates and presentation templates used in the template mapping and in the creation of the default content have to be created previously.
Default content can be reused in multiple site areas by defining its name. After you define a complete default content element in the XML file, you can then use it by defining a default content tag with only the name element. This feature of reusing the default content in different and multiple places can also be used if the default content already exists for that library.
What’s new in IBM Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino 8 software. : Upgrade the way you work
Business moves quickly, so you need to help your employees excel
In today’s fast-moving business world, it’s more important than ever for employ-
ees to be productive, innovative and flexible. The challenge for IT managers is to find solutions that people can use—and will use—to unlock the potential for increased employee productivity and business growth.
What does IT need to meet today’s demands? A solution that:
Provides communications and col•
laboration capabilities that work the way users work.
Helps save time and reduces costly • mistakes.
Minimizes training time and applica•
tion downtime.
Meets needs now and has potential • for the future.
For years, IT managers have turned to the IBM Lotus Notes® and Lotus® Domino® portfolio of software solutions to help meet
their workplace challenges. Lotus software
has long given IT professionals the power to enhance the way they work. But what about the end users? They want the ability to collaborate and share the kind of ideas that help grow the business. The opportu-nity to act on ideas and make informed decisions. And the power to do their jobs better, every day. IBM Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino 8 software is designed to provide these benefits.
Upgrade more than just your software; upgrade the way your users work
The new release of Lotus Notes and Domino software provides users with much more than advanced messaging
and collaboration tools. Users gain access to business applications, productivity tools, the latest Web 2.0 innovations and more—without needing
to leave the Lotus Notes client. New capabilities let users customize their desktops and surround themselves
with widgets that help bring intelligence from the Internet directly to them. With enhanced support for a number of different mobile devices and slow connections,1 users can access their Lotus Domino e-mail, calendar and contact information—from virtually anywhere and at any time.2 Administrators
have advanced tools to help them minimize help desk visits and reduce the time spent training end users. And because Lotus Notes 8 software is built on the open-standards-based Eclipse3 platform, application developers can easily add Eclipse-based plug-ins and creatively build new applications to help extend and customize user environments
In today’s fast-moving business world, it’s more important than ever for employ-
ees to be productive, innovative and flexible. The challenge for IT managers is to find solutions that people can use—and will use—to unlock the potential for increased employee productivity and business growth.
What does IT need to meet today’s demands? A solution that:
Provides communications and col•
laboration capabilities that work the way users work.
Helps save time and reduces costly • mistakes.
Minimizes training time and applica•
tion downtime.
Meets needs now and has potential • for the future.
For years, IT managers have turned to the IBM Lotus Notes® and Lotus® Domino® portfolio of software solutions to help meet
their workplace challenges. Lotus software
has long given IT professionals the power to enhance the way they work. But what about the end users? They want the ability to collaborate and share the kind of ideas that help grow the business. The opportu-nity to act on ideas and make informed decisions. And the power to do their jobs better, every day. IBM Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino 8 software is designed to provide these benefits.
Upgrade more than just your software; upgrade the way your users work
The new release of Lotus Notes and Domino software provides users with much more than advanced messaging
and collaboration tools. Users gain access to business applications, productivity tools, the latest Web 2.0 innovations and more—without needing
to leave the Lotus Notes client. New capabilities let users customize their desktops and surround themselves
with widgets that help bring intelligence from the Internet directly to them. With enhanced support for a number of different mobile devices and slow connections,1 users can access their Lotus Domino e-mail, calendar and contact information—from virtually anywhere and at any time.2 Administrators
have advanced tools to help them minimize help desk visits and reduce the time spent training end users. And because Lotus Notes 8 software is built on the open-standards-based Eclipse3 platform, application developers can easily add Eclipse-based plug-ins and creatively build new applications to help extend and customize user environments
SharePoint Integrator for Lotus Notes v2.0.2
How do you edit a rich text field in an open document and redisplay it in Lotus notes?
In Lotus notes we have some problem when I create richtext field that have picture by backend. This sample code for solve it.
Dim wksp As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument, uidocNew As NotesUIDocument
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim rti As NotesRichTextItem
Dim strFieldname As String
Set uidoc = wksp.CurrentDocument
uidoc.Refresh True ' do this if the rich text field is editable, to get the current contents in case user has modified them.
Set doc = uidoc.Document �' get the back-end document for the document open on screen.
strFieldname = uidoc.CurrentField ' remember the current field if any
Set rti = doc.GetFirstItem("fieldname") ' insert your fieldname here, generally "Body"
' Make your rich text changes here, for instance:
Call rti.AddNewLine(1, True)
Call rti.AppendText(Now & ": log entry.")
If session.NotesBuildVersion >= 190 Then
rti.Update ' ND6 only
Call doc.ComputeWithForm(True, False) ' caution, as this may erase some field values if you have @Db functions in formulas.
End If
doc.SaveOptions = "0" ' make it possible to close the document without a "do you want to save" prompt. If this is a mail-in doc you may need to set MailOptions="0" also to avoid being prompted.
Call uidoc.Close
Set uidocNew = wksp.EditDocument(True, doc, , , , True)
Delete uidoc
If strFieldname <> "" Then uidocNew.GotoField(strFieldname) ' return focus to field that was current before.
Note: this will cause Queryclose, Queryopen, Postopen (and so on) form events to trigger. Also, uidoc.Refresh will execute computed field formulas and input validations, so you should write the validation formulas to not return @Failure unless @IsDocBeingSaved | @IsDocBeingSent is true.
Dim wksp As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument, uidocNew As NotesUIDocument
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim rti As NotesRichTextItem
Dim strFieldname As String
Set uidoc = wksp.CurrentDocument
uidoc.Refresh True ' do this if the rich text field is editable, to get the current contents in case user has modified them.
Set doc = uidoc.Document �' get the back-end document for the document open on screen.
strFieldname = uidoc.CurrentField ' remember the current field if any
Set rti = doc.GetFirstItem("fieldname") ' insert your fieldname here, generally "Body"
' Make your rich text changes here, for instance:
Call rti.AddNewLine(1, True)
Call rti.AppendText(Now & ": log entry.")
If session.NotesBuildVersion >= 190 Then
rti.Update ' ND6 only
Call doc.ComputeWithForm(True, False) ' caution, as this may erase some field values if you have @Db functions in formulas.
End If
doc.SaveOptions = "0" ' make it possible to close the document without a "do you want to save" prompt. If this is a mail-in doc you may need to set MailOptions="0" also to avoid being prompted.
Call uidoc.Close
Set uidocNew = wksp.EditDocument(True, doc, , , , True)
Delete uidoc
If strFieldname <> "" Then uidocNew.GotoField(strFieldname) ' return focus to field that was current before.
Note: this will cause Queryclose, Queryopen, Postopen (and so on) form events to trigger. Also, uidoc.Refresh will execute computed field formulas and input validations, so you should write the validation formulas to not return @Failure unless @IsDocBeingSaved | @IsDocBeingSent is true.
Free Download: Lotus Domino Designer 8.5.1 from IBM Site
Download Lotus® Domino® Designer 8.5.1, an Eclipse-based rapid application development tool for building collaborative Web 2.0 applications that run on Lotus Notes and Domino. Designer includes XPages which allows developers to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills along with a set of modern Web controls, Dojo and built in Ajax services to build applications.
This is a no-charge product. All of the product's features are enabled. Developers may use Domino Designer to build applications that are run locally. To deploy applications developed with Lotus Domino Designer to Lotus Domino software, you must purchase the Lotus Domino Enterprise Client Access License offering for all supported users.
View pricing information for Lotus Domino Designer or explore the available purchasing options.
Note: The estimated download time for the server components for the Windows platform over a 1.5Mbps connection is approximately 53 minutes.
Download Lotus Domino Designer 8.5.1
This is a no-charge product. All of the product's features are enabled. Developers may use Domino Designer to build applications that are run locally. To deploy applications developed with Lotus Domino Designer to Lotus Domino software, you must purchase the Lotus Domino Enterprise Client Access License offering for all supported users.
View pricing information for Lotus Domino Designer or explore the available purchasing options.
Note: The estimated download time for the server components for the Windows platform over a 1.5Mbps connection is approximately 53 minutes.
Download Lotus Domino Designer 8.5.1
Lotus Notes Limitation
Lotus Notes Limitation
Limit R5 (LotusScript 4) R6
What is the maximum size of a database? 64 GB (gigabyte) or the OS file system's limit (2 GB on some older UNIX platforms) 64 GB (gigabyte) or the OS file system's limit (2 GB on some older UNIX platforms)
What is the maximum size of plain text fields?
(What is the maximum size of a group Members field?) 15KB per (summary) text field;
30KB of fields per document (storage); 15KB displayed in a view's column 15KB per (summary) text field;
30KB of fields per document (storage); 15KB displayed in a view's column
What is the maximum size of a computed text field? ?64,363 characters ?64,363 characters
What is the maximum size of a single paragraph in a rich text field? 64KB (this is approximately 35k of text, though) 64KB (this is approximately 35k of text, though)
What is the maximum number of paragraph styles? 64,000 unique paragraph styles in a single document 64,000 unique paragraph styles in a single document
How many sublevels in a hierarchical view; how many documents at each level? 31 levels; 300,000 documents 31 levels; 300,000 documents
What is the maximum number of windows you can have open simultaneously? limited by memory; 35(?) accessible from keyboard limited by memory; 35(?) accessible from keyboard
How many characters are allowed in names for views, forms, and so on? Database Title: 32
Filename: limited by OS's file system
Field names: 32
View names: 64
Form names: 32
Macro names: 32 Database Title: 32
Filename: limited by OS's file system
Field names: 32
View names: 64
Form names: 32
Macro names: 32
How many aliases are allowed for views? Up to 130 characters for all view aliases per view, including vertical-bar separators ("|"), including the view name Up to 130 characters for all view aliases per view, including vertical-bar separators ("|"), including the view name
What is the maximum size for Mail recipient names? 2MB of recipient names (based on fully qualified names, for example, Les Kaplan @ Marketing). 2MB of recipient names (based on fully qualified names, for example, Les Kaplan @ Marketing).
How many mail rules in a mail DB? 50 100
What's the maximum password length allowed on an ID? 63 characters 63 characters
fields in a database ~ 3000 (limited to ~ 64K total length for all field names). You can enable the database property "Allow more fields in database" to get up to 22,893 uniquely-named fields in the database. ~ 3000 (limited to ~ 64K total length for all field names). You can enable the database property "Allow more fields in database" to get up to 22,893 uniquely-named fields in the database.
How many fields in a form? 10MB memory (6MB memory for OS/2) 10MB memory (6MB memory for OS/2)
columns in one table 64 64
rows in one table 255 255
views in a database No limit; however, as the number of views increases, the length of time to display other views also increases No limit; however, as the number of views increases, the length of time to display other views also increases
forms in a database Unlimited Unlimited
columns in a view 289 ten-character columns; dependent upon # or characters per column 289 ten-character columns; dependent upon # or characters per column
How wide can a column be (# of inches)? ?15KB displayed in a view's column (5.0.3 release notes) ?15KB displayed in a view's column (5.0.3 release notes)
What's the largest view column title allowed? 50 characters 80 characters
What is the total size of computable simple text fields? 63K 63K
How many paragraphs in a document? 21,509 (19,004 for OS/2) 21,509 (19,004 for OS/2)
What is the maximum size of a rich text field? Limited only by available disk space up to 1GB Limited only by available disk space up to 1GB
What is the maximum number of inserted page breaks? Unlimited Unlimited
How many documents can be imported into a view? ?(the original (col. 2) has something wrong, syntactically, maybe it's)
Individual documents: up to 350K;
from a spreadsheet, 8192 rows;
5000 separate documents ?(the original (col. 2) has something wrong, syntactically, maybe it's)
Individual documents: up to 350K;
from a spreadsheet, 8192 rows;
5000 separate documents
cascading views in a database 200 200
How many copies of a document can be printed at once? 65,535 65,535
What is the maximum value allowed in "Start page numbers at" field? 65,535 65,535
margin size (in inches) 46 46
page cropping size (in inches) 46 46
point size to select/print 250 250
maximum number of soft-deleted documents in a database 1000 32,768
documents in a view Maximum of 128 GB for a view index.
(16 Mpage of B-tree space, 8kB/page)
Also limited by available disk space (2 GB on some UNIX platforms).
View containers in R5 databases (ODS 3.1 up) do not have a container size limit. The view size limit is now determined by the maximum number of pages that can be created which is 16,777,214. A page holds 8 KB so that means the maximum size for a view is 137,438,937,088 bytes (128 GB). Maximum of 128 GB for a view index.
(16 Mpage of B-tree space, 8kB/page)
Also limited by available disk space (2 GB on some UNIX platforms).
View containers in R5 databases (ODS 3.1 up) do not have a container size limit. The view size limit is now determined by the maximum number of pages that can be created which is 16,777,214. A page holds 8 KB so that means the maximum size for a view is 137,438,937,088 bytes (128 GB).
What's the maximum number of profile documents allowed in a database? 6000-6100 per database : s/w limitation around 6000-6100 per database: s/w limitation
What is the maximum number of documents that can be exported to Tabular Text? Limited only by available disk space Limited only by available disk space
How many levels of responses will display in a view? 31 levels of response to 1 main document 31 levels of response to 1 main document
How many responses per parent document? (bug:15,796 responses per document in R5 to 5.0.10) ??
What is the maximum number of entries in an Access Control List? 950 names
(I don't know if this has changed at all) 950 names
(I don't know if this has changed at all)
What is the maximum number of roles in an access control list? 75 Roles 75 Roles
What is the maximum number of ACL groups a user can be member of? 4096 5.0.9 up (pre-5.0.9, a bug may crash server over 3000 groups) 4096
What is the maximum number of groups that can be nested? 20 levels or up to 64k of group name and person name characters, whichever is lower (~30k of data using @UserNamesList or @UserRoles)
(in R4: 6 levels) ?20 levels or up to 64k of group name and person name characters, whichever is lower (~30k of data using @UserNamesList or @UserRoles)
What is the maximum size of a single paragraph you can cut or copy to the Clipboard? Unlimited (64K for UNIX) Unlimited (64K for UNIX)
What is the maximum number of documents you can cut or copy to the clipboard? 2335 (Win32) 2335 (Win32)
What is the maximum number of users to have authorized passwords on a multiple password ID? 8 users 8 users
What's the maximum amount of storage that can be used for strings in a LotusScript module? 2 GB or available memory. 2 GB or available memory.
What's the maximum length of an environment variable value? 255 characters 255 characters
What's the maximum length of a string constant in @function formulas? ~2k characters ~2k characters
What's the maximum number of results that can be returned from a full text search 4,999 4,999
What's the largest URL HTTP will accept? 1024 (2048 5.0.10 up) 2048 (?)
What's the largest richtext field HTTP will update? ~64k? ~64k?
What's the maximum size of variable-length strings in a LotusScript module? 2 GB (1 GB of characters) per module, or available memory. 2 GB (1 GB of characters) per module, or available memory.
How many variable-length strings can be defined in LotusScript? Limited by available memory and module definitions. Can be limited by symbol table to 64k of symbol names per module. Limited by available memory and module definitions. Can be limited by symbol table to 64k of symbol names per module.
What's the maximum size of fixed-length strings in LotusScript? 64k (this is a BASIC language limitation) 64k (this is a BASIC language limitation)
What's the maximum length of a string literal in LotusScript? 32k (16k characters) (this is a BASIC language limitation) 32k (16k characters) (this is a BASIC language limitation)
What's the maximum line length of a line written by LotusScript Write statement? 255 characters 255 characters
How many characters can be in path in MkDir, RmDir, or ChDir statement? 128. This includes the drive specifier, if any. 128. This includes the drive specifier, if any.
How many items can be in a Print, Write, or Input statement? 255 255
What's the maximum recLen in Open statement? 32767 32767
How many symbols can LotusScript handle? 64k of text in symbol names 64k of text in symbol names
How many data elements can be in a LotusScript array? Determined by memory available for data, and by the storage size of each element of the array, which varies with the array data type. For example, a Long one-dimensional fixed array declared in type scope can have 16,128 elements. (The total storage size available for fixed-size data in module scope is 64K bytes, and a Long element requires 4 bytes for storage.) Determined by memory available for data, and by the storage size of each element of the array, which varies with the array data type. For example, a Long one-dimensional fixed array declared in type scope can have 16,128 elements. (The total storage size available for fixed-size data in module scope is 64K bytes, and a Long element requires 4 bytes for storage.)
What's the maximum size of a LotusScript executable module's code? limited by available memory; 64k of source without LSS include files limited by available memory; 64k of source without LSS include files
How many outline entries can an outline have? ~21,000 entries ~21,000 entries
How long can a remote-console command be, and still display properly in Administrator? 77 characters. Some commands may handle more; others don't. The command itself is neither displayed nor logged as more than 77 characters. More than 77 characters (documented as "addressed" in K-Base, but no new maximum value is documented).
Note Even though strings in LotusScript 4 (that's Notes and Domino 5) can be longer than 64K, there are still restrictions with the length of the string you can read or write using the GET and PUT statements. The only combination of filetypes that will work with long strings is with a binary file and a variable-length string. Fixed length strings, strings in variants, and random files will not work with strings greater than 64K in length because they have a two-byte header which contains the length of the string. Two bytes cannot represent more than 64K.
Reference : http://www.thenorth.com/northern.nsf/ac567d6535ab069785256a00004d66dc/4100857248b8b82185256d350058f7e4!OpenDocument
Limit R5 (LotusScript 4) R6
What is the maximum size of a database? 64 GB (gigabyte) or the OS file system's limit (2 GB on some older UNIX platforms) 64 GB (gigabyte) or the OS file system's limit (2 GB on some older UNIX platforms)
What is the maximum size of plain text fields?
(What is the maximum size of a group Members field?) 15KB per (summary) text field;
30KB of fields per document (storage); 15KB displayed in a view's column 15KB per (summary) text field;
30KB of fields per document (storage); 15KB displayed in a view's column
What is the maximum size of a computed text field? ?64,363 characters ?64,363 characters
What is the maximum size of a single paragraph in a rich text field? 64KB (this is approximately 35k of text, though) 64KB (this is approximately 35k of text, though)
What is the maximum number of paragraph styles? 64,000 unique paragraph styles in a single document 64,000 unique paragraph styles in a single document
How many sublevels in a hierarchical view; how many documents at each level? 31 levels; 300,000 documents 31 levels; 300,000 documents
What is the maximum number of windows you can have open simultaneously? limited by memory; 35(?) accessible from keyboard limited by memory; 35(?) accessible from keyboard
How many characters are allowed in names for views, forms, and so on? Database Title: 32
Filename: limited by OS's file system
Field names: 32
View names: 64
Form names: 32
Macro names: 32 Database Title: 32
Filename: limited by OS's file system
Field names: 32
View names: 64
Form names: 32
Macro names: 32
How many aliases are allowed for views? Up to 130 characters for all view aliases per view, including vertical-bar separators ("|"), including the view name Up to 130 characters for all view aliases per view, including vertical-bar separators ("|"), including the view name
What is the maximum size for Mail recipient names? 2MB of recipient names (based on fully qualified names, for example, Les Kaplan @ Marketing). 2MB of recipient names (based on fully qualified names, for example, Les Kaplan @ Marketing).
How many mail rules in a mail DB? 50 100
What's the maximum password length allowed on an ID? 63 characters 63 characters
fields in a database ~ 3000 (limited to ~ 64K total length for all field names). You can enable the database property "Allow more fields in database" to get up to 22,893 uniquely-named fields in the database. ~ 3000 (limited to ~ 64K total length for all field names). You can enable the database property "Allow more fields in database" to get up to 22,893 uniquely-named fields in the database.
How many fields in a form? 10MB memory (6MB memory for OS/2) 10MB memory (6MB memory for OS/2)
columns in one table 64 64
rows in one table 255 255
views in a database No limit; however, as the number of views increases, the length of time to display other views also increases No limit; however, as the number of views increases, the length of time to display other views also increases
forms in a database Unlimited Unlimited
columns in a view 289 ten-character columns; dependent upon # or characters per column 289 ten-character columns; dependent upon # or characters per column
How wide can a column be (# of inches)? ?15KB displayed in a view's column (5.0.3 release notes) ?15KB displayed in a view's column (5.0.3 release notes)
What's the largest view column title allowed? 50 characters 80 characters
What is the total size of computable simple text fields? 63K 63K
How many paragraphs in a document? 21,509 (19,004 for OS/2) 21,509 (19,004 for OS/2)
What is the maximum size of a rich text field? Limited only by available disk space up to 1GB Limited only by available disk space up to 1GB
What is the maximum number of inserted page breaks? Unlimited Unlimited
How many documents can be imported into a view? ?(the original (col. 2) has something wrong, syntactically, maybe it's)
Individual documents: up to 350K;
from a spreadsheet, 8192 rows;
5000 separate documents ?(the original (col. 2) has something wrong, syntactically, maybe it's)
Individual documents: up to 350K;
from a spreadsheet, 8192 rows;
5000 separate documents
cascading views in a database 200 200
How many copies of a document can be printed at once? 65,535 65,535
What is the maximum value allowed in "Start page numbers at" field? 65,535 65,535
margin size (in inches) 46 46
page cropping size (in inches) 46 46
point size to select/print 250 250
maximum number of soft-deleted documents in a database 1000 32,768
documents in a view Maximum of 128 GB for a view index.
(16 Mpage of B-tree space, 8kB/page)
Also limited by available disk space (2 GB on some UNIX platforms).
View containers in R5 databases (ODS 3.1 up) do not have a container size limit. The view size limit is now determined by the maximum number of pages that can be created which is 16,777,214. A page holds 8 KB so that means the maximum size for a view is 137,438,937,088 bytes (128 GB). Maximum of 128 GB for a view index.
(16 Mpage of B-tree space, 8kB/page)
Also limited by available disk space (2 GB on some UNIX platforms).
View containers in R5 databases (ODS 3.1 up) do not have a container size limit. The view size limit is now determined by the maximum number of pages that can be created which is 16,777,214. A page holds 8 KB so that means the maximum size for a view is 137,438,937,088 bytes (128 GB).
What's the maximum number of profile documents allowed in a database? 6000-6100 per database : s/w limitation around 6000-6100 per database: s/w limitation
What is the maximum number of documents that can be exported to Tabular Text? Limited only by available disk space Limited only by available disk space
How many levels of responses will display in a view? 31 levels of response to 1 main document 31 levels of response to 1 main document
How many responses per parent document? (bug:15,796 responses per document in R5 to 5.0.10) ??
What is the maximum number of entries in an Access Control List? 950 names
(I don't know if this has changed at all) 950 names
(I don't know if this has changed at all)
What is the maximum number of roles in an access control list? 75 Roles 75 Roles
What is the maximum number of ACL groups a user can be member of? 4096 5.0.9 up (pre-5.0.9, a bug may crash server over 3000 groups) 4096
What is the maximum number of groups that can be nested? 20 levels or up to 64k of group name and person name characters, whichever is lower (~30k of data using @UserNamesList or @UserRoles)
(in R4: 6 levels) ?20 levels or up to 64k of group name and person name characters, whichever is lower (~30k of data using @UserNamesList or @UserRoles)
What is the maximum size of a single paragraph you can cut or copy to the Clipboard? Unlimited (64K for UNIX) Unlimited (64K for UNIX)
What is the maximum number of documents you can cut or copy to the clipboard? 2335 (Win32) 2335 (Win32)
What is the maximum number of users to have authorized passwords on a multiple password ID? 8 users 8 users
What's the maximum amount of storage that can be used for strings in a LotusScript module? 2 GB or available memory. 2 GB or available memory.
What's the maximum length of an environment variable value? 255 characters 255 characters
What's the maximum length of a string constant in @function formulas? ~2k characters ~2k characters
What's the maximum number of results that can be returned from a full text search 4,999 4,999
What's the largest URL HTTP will accept? 1024 (2048 5.0.10 up) 2048 (?)
What's the largest richtext field HTTP will update? ~64k? ~64k?
What's the maximum size of variable-length strings in a LotusScript module? 2 GB (1 GB of characters) per module, or available memory. 2 GB (1 GB of characters) per module, or available memory.
How many variable-length strings can be defined in LotusScript? Limited by available memory and module definitions. Can be limited by symbol table to 64k of symbol names per module. Limited by available memory and module definitions. Can be limited by symbol table to 64k of symbol names per module.
What's the maximum size of fixed-length strings in LotusScript? 64k (this is a BASIC language limitation) 64k (this is a BASIC language limitation)
What's the maximum length of a string literal in LotusScript? 32k (16k characters) (this is a BASIC language limitation) 32k (16k characters) (this is a BASIC language limitation)
What's the maximum line length of a line written by LotusScript Write statement? 255 characters 255 characters
How many characters can be in path in MkDir, RmDir, or ChDir statement? 128. This includes the drive specifier, if any. 128. This includes the drive specifier, if any.
How many items can be in a Print, Write, or Input statement? 255 255
What's the maximum recLen in Open statement? 32767 32767
How many symbols can LotusScript handle? 64k of text in symbol names 64k of text in symbol names
How many data elements can be in a LotusScript array? Determined by memory available for data, and by the storage size of each element of the array, which varies with the array data type. For example, a Long one-dimensional fixed array declared in type scope can have 16,128 elements. (The total storage size available for fixed-size data in module scope is 64K bytes, and a Long element requires 4 bytes for storage.) Determined by memory available for data, and by the storage size of each element of the array, which varies with the array data type. For example, a Long one-dimensional fixed array declared in type scope can have 16,128 elements. (The total storage size available for fixed-size data in module scope is 64K bytes, and a Long element requires 4 bytes for storage.)
What's the maximum size of a LotusScript executable module's code? limited by available memory; 64k of source without LSS include files limited by available memory; 64k of source without LSS include files
How many outline entries can an outline have? ~21,000 entries ~21,000 entries
How long can a remote-console command be, and still display properly in Administrator? 77 characters. Some commands may handle more; others don't. The command itself is neither displayed nor logged as more than 77 characters. More than 77 characters (documented as "addressed" in K-Base, but no new maximum value is documented).
Note Even though strings in LotusScript 4 (that's Notes and Domino 5) can be longer than 64K, there are still restrictions with the length of the string you can read or write using the GET and PUT statements. The only combination of filetypes that will work with long strings is with a binary file and a variable-length string. Fixed length strings, strings in variants, and random files will not work with strings greater than 64K in length because they have a two-byte header which contains the length of the string. Two bytes cannot represent more than 64K.
Reference : http://www.thenorth.com/northern.nsf/ac567d6535ab069785256a00004d66dc/4100857248b8b82185256d350058f7e4!OpenDocument
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552
$KeepPrivate generate when "Replicate or Copy Documents."
In Lotus notes 6.5.4, just discovered this problem on a database that we have been using for years. In our case, this was caused by the new ACL choice "Replicate or Copy Documents." Any documents created by people/groups that don't have this box checked will then be marked with $KeepPrivate.
We fixed this by checking the box and running a one-time script to fix the existing documents.
Refer : http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/nd6forum.nsf/e5f5333619f2996885256a220009508f/8ba390c7021a902185256f0a007b92d9?OpenDocument
We fixed this by checking the box and running a one-time script to fix the existing documents.
Refer : http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/nd6forum.nsf/e5f5333619f2996885256a220009508f/8ba390c7021a902185256f0a007b92d9?OpenDocument
New IBM Lotus Connections Software Brings Consumer Social Networking Features to the Office
Realizing the benefits of Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0, IBM is bringing a comprehensive social software platform to businesses with the debut of Lotus Connections 2.5. The new software is being announced at an IBM worldwide collaboration summit in Cambridge, Massachusetts attended by hundreds of customers, partners and IBM experts gathered to discuss future developments in enterprise collaboration.
Today's Lotus Connections news is also taking place in conjunction with IBM's Center for Social Software Symposium this week, marking the one-year anniversary of the launch of the Center for Social Software. Lotus Connections, which originated at IBM Research, is an example of the types of technologies that result from the Center for Social Software's incubator for innovative technologies.
The new release of Lotus Connections expands on IBM's commitment to bringing a business-grade social software platform to the market. With the extranet, Internet and intranet collaboration services provided by IBM and IBM customers, Lotus Connections enables tens of millions of users worldwide to connect and collaborate.
For Lotus Connections beta program participant Sogeti, a Capgemini subsidiary specializing in technology services, there was a great need to connect the firm's 20,000 people spread across 200 offices in 14 countries. Following an extensive analysis, where all available options were reviewed, Sogeti turned to Lotus Connections for its social networking and collaborative functionality.
"Our people are our only and most valuable asset. We needed a powerful tool to connect our people all over the world, providing them with a social platform that would allow them to share information and collaborate," said Michiel Boreel, CTO at Sogeti Group. "We chose Lotus Connections because it is a powerful collaboration platform that goes way beyond simple sharing of documents and furthermore, it is people centric instead of project or document centric. We believe that this is the future of collaboration and we want to position ourselves in the frontline of this new trend."
Lotus Connections 2.5 includes an enhanced Communities experience with new features and capabilities. Community owners can now customize the appearance of their community and move widgets around on the community home page. Community owners can add activities, blogs, wikis, and file sharing services to their communities in addition to bookmarks, feeds, and forum capabilities. This significantly enhances the options for community members to collaborate on projects and content.
Refer : http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/28456.wss
IBM Lotus Gains in Global Collaboration Against Microsoft
In the first half of 2009, IBM (NYSE: IBM) logged thousands of new customers, bringing the total to 15,421 companies that have chosen IBM over Microsoft since 2008 in the $3.1 billion dollar Worldwide Integrated Collaborative Environment market.*
In addition, many customers have expanded their investments in IBM Lotus software. Among the new or expanding customer base are BASF, Chrysler, The Coca-Cola Company, Colgate-Palmolive, Continental AG, Finishline, General Motors, GlaxoSmithKline, Gruppo Amadori, KBC Bank, Nationwide, Novartis and PNC Bank.
IBM momentum in collaboration software is being driven by the success of Lotus Notes and Domino against Microsoft Exchange; Lotus Connections and Quickr against Microsoft Sharepoint; and the millions of businesses and individuals that are using Lotus Symphony.
"Lotus Notes 8.5 is not just a standard email client. It is truly an amazing piece of software," said Tim Lorge of the New Jersey Department of Health & Senior Services. "It helps facilitate a much more integrated work environment and allows our teams to share information wherever they are. During our recent response to Novel H1N1 Influenza, we found having all of our collaboration tools integrated into one application enables our teams to work more effectively and cohesively. Lotus Notes 8.5 helps us work together in real time, enabling our employees to connect quicker and solve problems more effectively."
Chief information officers (CIOs) from across the private and public sectors cite a variety of reasons for either choosing IBM Lotus software over Microsoft or purchasing additional Lotus software licenses. These include lower cost, more innovative design, Web 2.0 roadmap, growing preference for open standards, and the ability to easily plug-in additional applications. The option to enrich Lotus software with third-party applications or widgets helps explain why the number of IBM Business Partners packaging Lotus Notes and Domino software with their own products has more than doubled since the beginning of 2009.
"Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5 has allowed Elguji Software to increase the speed and quality of the software that we create for our customers," said Bruce Elgort of IBM Business Partner Elguji Software LLC. "With incredible ease of deployment that only Lotus Domino applications can offer, a company can be up and running within 15 minutes."
Refer : http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/28472.wss
In addition, many customers have expanded their investments in IBM Lotus software. Among the new or expanding customer base are BASF, Chrysler, The Coca-Cola Company, Colgate-Palmolive, Continental AG, Finishline, General Motors, GlaxoSmithKline, Gruppo Amadori, KBC Bank, Nationwide, Novartis and PNC Bank.
IBM momentum in collaboration software is being driven by the success of Lotus Notes and Domino against Microsoft Exchange; Lotus Connections and Quickr against Microsoft Sharepoint; and the millions of businesses and individuals that are using Lotus Symphony.
"Lotus Notes 8.5 is not just a standard email client. It is truly an amazing piece of software," said Tim Lorge of the New Jersey Department of Health & Senior Services. "It helps facilitate a much more integrated work environment and allows our teams to share information wherever they are. During our recent response to Novel H1N1 Influenza, we found having all of our collaboration tools integrated into one application enables our teams to work more effectively and cohesively. Lotus Notes 8.5 helps us work together in real time, enabling our employees to connect quicker and solve problems more effectively."
Chief information officers (CIOs) from across the private and public sectors cite a variety of reasons for either choosing IBM Lotus software over Microsoft or purchasing additional Lotus software licenses. These include lower cost, more innovative design, Web 2.0 roadmap, growing preference for open standards, and the ability to easily plug-in additional applications. The option to enrich Lotus software with third-party applications or widgets helps explain why the number of IBM Business Partners packaging Lotus Notes and Domino software with their own products has more than doubled since the beginning of 2009.
"Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5 has allowed Elguji Software to increase the speed and quality of the software that we create for our customers," said Bruce Elgort of IBM Business Partner Elguji Software LLC. "With incredible ease of deployment that only Lotus Domino applications can offer, a company can be up and running within 15 minutes."
Refer : http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/28472.wss
IBM, Canonical and Partners Launch Cloud- and Linux-based Netbook Software
Part of IBM's Smart Work Initiative, the new package targets the rising popularity of low-cost netbooks to make IBM's industrial-strength software affordable to new, mass audiences in Africa. Businesses that could not afford traditional PCs for all employees can now use any type of device and low-cost software to enable all workers to work smarter anywhere using a variety of devices, regardless of the level of communications infrastructure.
The IBM Client for Smart Work is now available across Africa and is being piloted for other emerging and growth markets worldwide. The solution includes open standards-based email, word processing, spreadsheets, unified communication, social networking and other software for any laptop, netbook, or a variety of mobile devices. It runs on Canonical's Ubuntu Linux operating system, and provides the option to deliver collaboration through the Web in a cloud service model. This software bundle can also be extended to virtualized workspaces using VERDE from Virtual Bridges, which is available locally through business partners and voice-based collaboration pilots through IBM Research. IBM estimates that it delivers up to 50 percent savings per seat versus a Microsoft-based desktop.
Refer : http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/28457.wss
The IBM Client for Smart Work is now available across Africa and is being piloted for other emerging and growth markets worldwide. The solution includes open standards-based email, word processing, spreadsheets, unified communication, social networking and other software for any laptop, netbook, or a variety of mobile devices. It runs on Canonical's Ubuntu Linux operating system, and provides the option to deliver collaboration through the Web in a cloud service model. This software bundle can also be extended to virtualized workspaces using VERDE from Virtual Bridges, which is available locally through business partners and voice-based collaboration pilots through IBM Research. IBM estimates that it delivers up to 50 percent savings per seat versus a Microsoft-based desktop.
Refer : http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/28457.wss
IBM Launches Secure, Reliable Cloud Email Service for $3 per User
today announced LotusLive iNotes, a new email service that delivers the benefits of cloud computing with a focus on reliability, privacy and security, to millions of mainstream business users starting at $3 per user, per month.
The new IBM LotusLive iNotes cloud service allows overburdened IT departments to take advantage of IBM's leadership in enterprise collaboration for a range of on- or off-premise messaging capabilities, including mail that works with Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange or operates as a standalone solution to reduce overall IT costs and complexity. It is quick and simple to deploy, making it well-suited for companies of all sizes.
LotusLive iNotes is designed for companies that want to confidently move some or all of their email to the cloud by working with an enterprise leader in collaboration software that is used by more than half of global Fortune 100 companies. In fact, the LotusLive cloud mail platform supporting this service already has more than 18 million email accounts under management. With decades of experience serving the business market, IBM's products include Lotus Notes, one of the world's most widely used email programs.
The new IBM cloud service can accommodate gradual or dramatic migrations to the cloud, while also supporting a client's existing on-premise collaboration system. It is also ideal for employee segments of large enterprises which do not require all the capabilities of full-featured email and collaboration software, or for employees that currently have no access to company email.
LotusLive iNotes is equally well-suited for small- and medium-sized businesses, many of whom have discovered the convenience and savings of free or low-cost Web-based email services but have grown weary of service outages, distracting advertisements or security and privacy concerns that can impact employee productivity and confidence. While these companies realize they need business-grade email, many do not have the budget or in-house technical resources to deploy an on-premise solution.
"Email and other collaboration services are the right entry point for many companies to realize the promise of cloud computing, but only if clients feel confident they're getting business-grade service from a trusted leader in enterprise services," said Bob Picciano, General Manager, IBM Lotus Software.
Refer : http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/28550.wss
The new IBM LotusLive iNotes cloud service allows overburdened IT departments to take advantage of IBM's leadership in enterprise collaboration for a range of on- or off-premise messaging capabilities, including mail that works with Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange or operates as a standalone solution to reduce overall IT costs and complexity. It is quick and simple to deploy, making it well-suited for companies of all sizes.
LotusLive iNotes is designed for companies that want to confidently move some or all of their email to the cloud by working with an enterprise leader in collaboration software that is used by more than half of global Fortune 100 companies. In fact, the LotusLive cloud mail platform supporting this service already has more than 18 million email accounts under management. With decades of experience serving the business market, IBM's products include Lotus Notes, one of the world's most widely used email programs.
The new IBM cloud service can accommodate gradual or dramatic migrations to the cloud, while also supporting a client's existing on-premise collaboration system. It is also ideal for employee segments of large enterprises which do not require all the capabilities of full-featured email and collaboration software, or for employees that currently have no access to company email.
LotusLive iNotes is equally well-suited for small- and medium-sized businesses, many of whom have discovered the convenience and savings of free or low-cost Web-based email services but have grown weary of service outages, distracting advertisements or security and privacy concerns that can impact employee productivity and confidence. While these companies realize they need business-grade email, many do not have the budget or in-house technical resources to deploy an on-premise solution.
"Email and other collaboration services are the right entry point for many companies to realize the promise of cloud computing, but only if clients feel confident they're getting business-grade service from a trusted leader in enterprise services," said Bob Picciano, General Manager, IBM Lotus Software.
Refer : http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/28550.wss
วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552
Lotus Domino Adds Native IPhone Support
The latest version of IBM's Lotus Domino, set to be announced Tuesday, will natively support the Apple iPhone, allowing users to automatically synchronize e-mail, contacts and calendar data to the popular handset over the air.
Domino 8.5.1 supports the iPhone through Lotus Notes Traveler software and is the first version of the collaboration software to do so, according to IBM. The addition of push e-mail, contacts and calendar will allow iPhone users to automatically get the latest data from their enterprise Notes system and work with that content on the phone while they are out of coverage or otherwise offline. If an iPhone is lost or stolen, the Notes data can be wiped from it remotely for security, IBM said.
The new version will also let iPhone users look through corporate directories behind a firewall with a corporate directory lookup feature.
With the addition of native support for the iPhone, Domino and Notes are supported on the vast majority of the world's smartphones, IBM said. The software already works with the Microsoft Windows Mobile, Research In Motion BlackBerry, and Nokia Symbian platforms. On Tuesday, IBM also added features for Symbian, including the ability to lock a device, wipe data remotely, manage passwords and integrate with external calendars. Those features are already available for Windows Mobile, the company said.
With Domino 8.5.1, IBM also is making Domino Designer application development software available free of charge. Software developers will be able to download Domino Designer free from IBM's developerWorks site to build and extend Notes and Domino applications.
Lotus Notes Traveler, which provides real-time replication between mobile devices and Notes, is supported by several device manufacturers, including Nokia and Samsung, and by carriers including Verizon Wireless, AT&T and Sprint Nextel.
Refer : http://www.pcworld.com/article/173148/lotus_domino_adds_native_iphone_support.html
Domino 8.5.1 supports the iPhone through Lotus Notes Traveler software and is the first version of the collaboration software to do so, according to IBM. The addition of push e-mail, contacts and calendar will allow iPhone users to automatically get the latest data from their enterprise Notes system and work with that content on the phone while they are out of coverage or otherwise offline. If an iPhone is lost or stolen, the Notes data can be wiped from it remotely for security, IBM said.
The new version will also let iPhone users look through corporate directories behind a firewall with a corporate directory lookup feature.
With the addition of native support for the iPhone, Domino and Notes are supported on the vast majority of the world's smartphones, IBM said. The software already works with the Microsoft Windows Mobile, Research In Motion BlackBerry, and Nokia Symbian platforms. On Tuesday, IBM also added features for Symbian, including the ability to lock a device, wipe data remotely, manage passwords and integrate with external calendars. Those features are already available for Windows Mobile, the company said.
With Domino 8.5.1, IBM also is making Domino Designer application development software available free of charge. Software developers will be able to download Domino Designer free from IBM's developerWorks site to build and extend Notes and Domino applications.
Lotus Notes Traveler, which provides real-time replication between mobile devices and Notes, is supported by several device manufacturers, including Nokia and Samsung, and by carriers including Verizon Wireless, AT&T and Sprint Nextel.
Refer : http://www.pcworld.com/article/173148/lotus_domino_adds_native_iphone_support.html
Integrate SharePoint Calendars, Documents with Lotus Notes 8.5
Earlier this month we talked about how Mainsoft (news, site) was helping integrate SharePoint and IBM Rational Team Concert, providing SharePoint collaboration capabilities inside the Team Concert world. Good stuff for project teams.
But what about organizations who live inside their Lotus Notes environments? They also need some SharePoint love. And Mainsoft is providing it to them as well with the latest version of their Mainsoft SharePoint Integrator for Lotus Notes.
What's new in Version 2? Come have a look.Lotus Notes Users Like SharePoint
Maybe you wouldn't think it, but there are a lot of organizations who use Lotus Notes and want it to be able to integrate with SharePoint. Due to some major changes in how Lotus Notes has been developed and a company that specializes in Notes to SharePoint integration (Mainsoft), it is possible.
Here are a couple of stats you may find interesting, based on a survey of LotusUserGroup.org members that are currently evaluating Lotus-SharePoint integration software
Refer : http://www.cmswire.com/cms/enterprise-20/integrate-sharepoint-calendars-documents-with-lotus-notes-85-004831.php
But what about organizations who live inside their Lotus Notes environments? They also need some SharePoint love. And Mainsoft is providing it to them as well with the latest version of their Mainsoft SharePoint Integrator for Lotus Notes.
What's new in Version 2? Come have a look.Lotus Notes Users Like SharePoint
Maybe you wouldn't think it, but there are a lot of organizations who use Lotus Notes and want it to be able to integrate with SharePoint. Due to some major changes in how Lotus Notes has been developed and a company that specializes in Notes to SharePoint integration (Mainsoft), it is possible.
Here are a couple of stats you may find interesting, based on a survey of LotusUserGroup.org members that are currently evaluating Lotus-SharePoint integration software
Refer : http://www.cmswire.com/cms/enterprise-20/integrate-sharepoint-calendars-documents-with-lotus-notes-85-004831.php
IBM, VMware and NSEC Partner To Simplify Computing on The Go
VMware (NYSE: VMW) and Keepod products family manufacturer NSEC, today announced that they have partnered to offer IBM's Lotus Symphony productivity software suite on Keepod devices for the first time.
IBM's Lotus Symphony software suite helps users create, edit and share documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Based on an open, secure platform, the intuitive business productivity offering is easy-to-use and free of charge. With today's news, for the first time, users can access the information they need anytime, anywhere securely via the Keepod.
This portable version of the software, packaged using VMware ThinApp™ and made possible through an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) agreement between IBM and NSEC, can be launched directly from any Keepod device, without installing anything on the PC and without leaving a footprint on the system. Launching Lotus Symphony directly from Keepod means that users won’t leave any trace of their work, which may be confidential in nature.
Refer : http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/28827.wss
IBM's Lotus Symphony software suite helps users create, edit and share documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Based on an open, secure platform, the intuitive business productivity offering is easy-to-use and free of charge. With today's news, for the first time, users can access the information they need anytime, anywhere securely via the Keepod.
This portable version of the software, packaged using VMware ThinApp™ and made possible through an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) agreement between IBM and NSEC, can be launched directly from any Keepod device, without installing anything on the PC and without leaving a footprint on the system. Launching Lotus Symphony directly from Keepod means that users won’t leave any trace of their work, which may be confidential in nature.
Refer : http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/28827.wss
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